29 October, 2013

"Pink Cancer"

Is it possible to awake public awareness about a serious issue through a light approach? That was the gamble of students members of the Association corporative des étudiants en pharmacie d'Angers (Acepa) who organized a flashmob on October 28th on Ralliement square about the breast cancer. That disease affects many women in France. In 2005, almost 50 000 persons suffered such a pathology, one of the most important figures in Europe.

Credit pictures : Acepa Facebook page
Dressed in pink colors, a hundred of these students, braving the drop of temperatures and the switch to winter time, heated the atmosphere on the rythms of a lively music. That event is part of an initiative of the Acepa untitled "Pink October" in partnership with the Ligue contre le cancer. During ten minutes, pharmacy, midwife and medecine students dansed on a choregraphy from Henri Fiévet, a student in charge of the evening.

The gathering, attended by pedestrians and customers from the terraces of the square, was designed to "visually mark people", said its organizers and will be soon broacasted by social nets. This is the second animation of "Pink October" in Angers that month. A fortnight days ago, about 1 000 students gathered near Balzac park about the same topic.

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