05 August, 2013

Tourism : analyses differ in Angers and Anjou about the tourism season

Credit : Angers Tourism Bureau
Two opinions apparently contradictory have recently been expressed about the results of the tourism season in Anjou. According to a Maine-et-Loire authority in that field, the month of July was not a success in spite of the favourable meteorological conditions (the same opinion appeared in French national medias for France as a whole). On the opposite, the Angers tourism bureau looked more optimistic and explained the city was rather on good tracks for a successful season.

According to this one, the momuments, as the Angers castle or museums, attracted more people than expected and the main sources of visitors are English speaking countries like Uk and Usa (some tourists are even coming from Australia). It is clear that the historical atmosphere is something foreign people are eager to find in the city recently linked, through communication policy, to the Loire valley, an orientation which should be enhanced.

Maybe the favourable results Angers said it has gained until now could be widened to Anjou with a joined communication aimed towards English speaking communities. The economic interests and assets of Anjou and Angers are the same. Why are the analyses of the tourism outcome so different? For political reasons? That would be a pity.

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