16 May, 2013

"The Waders" : hail shower of March in May

Is a climatic change on way? For sure, but, given the temperatures, it is not sure earth is experiencing a warming. The weather of the even ing on May (!) 16th over Angers was rather a drop of temperatures. In fact, March, with its famous hail showers lasted till mid May in 2013. Along the Maine, on Reculée walk a heavy rain soaked all the pedestrians attempting to take benefit of a day almost without rain.

In a few minutes, the hail shower became a true hail which covered with a thin white layer the streets along the Maine, speeding down car traffic and impeding walkers to go on. The Maine river looked pierced by millions of dards giving to its surface an unusual aspect. A parked boat on the pavement was the most propicious shelter for people who didn't dare to walk under the rain.

On the other side of the river, some emergency vehicles started their ballet may be called because of flooding in some houses. They were splashing water like vessels cruising in high sea. Then, the calmness came back leaving room to the noise of the babling water now falling in the Maine. It was too late for a walk and perfect for a "nice cup of tea".

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