24 April, 2013

Angers University, 2nd in France for the proportion of students getting their degree in time

According to a ranking published on april 22nd by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Angers university is on the 2nd place on a national range of 28 universities. That ranking is got by the comparison between the noticed success rate and the foreseen success rate of students after their third and fourth year of the cursus.

The foreseen rate being linked to the university structure, the survey may indicate that, in spite of its limited resources, the Angers university has rather good results. Suc a news should give confidence to the dean of the Angers university, Jean-Paul Saint-André, who complained on the beginning of the current year about the scarcity of the financial resources its university go from the French Ministry.
 But that survey could alos mean Angers University should not compete for an increase of its number of students for the first three years. The main caracteristic of French university is too few students will get their license or master's after only three years of studies. Most of them will get their degree much more later, or even, never.

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