14 August, 2012

The Amiens events demonstrate to Angers that economy is as important as urban architecture

The dramatic events which occured on the night between July the 13th and the 14th in Amiens may generate fears in many others cities of France. Amiens was one of the numerous towns of the country to benefit of an important program of urban renovation.  About 240 millions euros were invested in several districts of that town. Among them, the Etouvie district where the confrontations between youngs and police took place. The same amount was invested in Angers during the same period and a new plan is underway on the Monplaisir district.

These events demon-strate that if the redeve-lopment of several Angers districts were necessary, may be it will not be sufficient to bring back fulfillment among inhabitants. The daily life of those depends heavily on purchasing power and jobs. In that view, these events could occur in Angers. So the local representatives should take care, not only of material environment, social link and social mixity, but also of economic competitiveness and attractivity. That could be more difficult, but above all more necessary, because the French economy is on the verge of a recession in 2012.

Many projects are planned in Angers in the years to come : a second tramway line, a new swimming pool, the complete redrawing of Maine banks, a new congress center. But these are not the only assets Angers must have to compete with others cities in France and abroad. Low fiscal pressure and balanced budgets may be also useful "monuments" to erect in the years to come for the preservation and the safety of Angers inhabitants way of life.

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