16 August, 2012

An Angers "channel" between vacationers and "staycationers"

"Long absent, soon forgotten". This English adage should be remembered and implemented by people who go in holidays while others, often elder persons, have only the choice to stay home. In Angers, as in many French cities, it is noticeable that the place looks less crowded in August than the rest of the year.

Emma and John, two Angers inhabitants, stayed recently in their native country letting behind them a neighbour, retired and widow for years. Having established a good relationship with the man, they asked him if he would be available to monitor their home during their absence. The man said yes and two times a day casts a glance to the place.

"I am pleased to feel I am still useful to others", said the elder whose daughter explained recently to Emman and John that her father was delighted with such a mission. Recently, Emma gave a call to her neighbour.

- "Hello Robert, this is Emma. May I come and have a coffee?", she said.
- "Oh Emma, thank you for your postcard. Of course you may come, I have just set to cups on the table", he answered before remembering that in fact, he will not have visits that day...
- "Sorry Rob, I was joking. I can't come because I'm calling you from abroad", she replied.
- "That's not a problem dear. Your call is like a visit for me!", laughed Rob.

Sometimes, it's possible to "combine business and pleasure". Inhabitants and homes feel less alone...

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