17 March, 2012

The man urinating in his gardend dismissed by Angers justice hall and Google strict view

The plaintiff who, a few days ago, summonsed Google at the Angers Justice Hall for a unappropriate picture shot by the cameras of Google Street View, has finally been dismissed. The man was pictured while he was pissing in his garden what was mocked by all the inhabitants of his village, located near Angers. He considered the picture infringed his private life and damaged his image.

Angers Court of Justice [credit Wikipedia]
The court has categorically denied his request because that was not aimed at the company responsible of Google Street View. That brand is managed by Google Usa and not by Google France and it was that one the plaintiff had decided to sue. But the court considered the argument of the Angevin as deprived of any basis because Google Street View allows a person pictured to blur his or her figure. Moreover, the contentious picture was withdrawn the following day after the complain.

So the court sentenced the plaintiff to refund Google France from its judiciary expenses. The Angevins who wanted to get 10 000 € from Google will have to pay 1 200 € because of the cost of the lawyer, the French company had to hire. It's not sure the image of the plaintiff will be restored after such an outcome. When somebody pisses, the best thing is to turn over to be sure Google Street View is not behind...

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