12 April, 2011

The second street car line could just remain a desire for a while

According to the financial forecastings of 2011-2014 of Angers city, nothing is planned for the second streetcar line linking Beaucouzé to the exhibitions park, in Saint-sylvain d'Anjou. In fact, Angers Loire métropole, the authority gathering about 30 towns (Angers and around) is submitted for a while to a budgetary caution. The président of Alm can't rely on the national state because its own finances are in very bad conditions.

What Angers city could only plan is to finance some technical surveys about the second line which could serve from Beaucouzé, Belle Beille university, Patton avenue, Le Quai theatre, then Saint-Laud railway station in order to join the first line on Foch boulevard before turning Louis Gain street, Grand-Pigeon and Monplaisir district and , from there, going to Saint-Sylvain. Its lengh will be 16 km (12 km for the first line and an overall cost of 287 millions €).

On short end, Angers city prepares with a lot of local artistic partners the inauguration day of the first line, scheduled to saturday, 25th june at 12 am at Ralliement square. Entertainings are planned the same day at 7 pm. And, just for ten days, the streetcar will be free. The opening ceremony of the second line is not foresee before 2020...

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