13 March, 2011

Japanese students of Angers describes rising human losses and mental exhaustion after quake

Worrying news came yesterday from Japanese students who returned to their native country after a stay of several months in Angers families. As the human and material losses in Japan worsened as consequences of the violent quake the country lived on march 11th and, apparently, could continue at lower magnitude in other parts of the country.

Credit picture wikipedia
The students living in Tokyo describe the visible consequences of the quake : "no electricity, gaz or water in the middle of Japan, the epicentre of the quake". Moreover, in the capital of Japan where they live "secondary quakes are felt". Regarding the material damages of the quake, most of the students in Tokyo didn't noticed damages on buildings but in the North of the country, one of their relatives saw his home disappear.

But some of the students insisted (at 16 h 40 local time) yesterday about the moral consequences of that "terriblement de terre" on people as "The number of victims is just about to rise" and "the radioactivity is going to disseminate". One of them wrote : "it's terrifying. We are not exhausted physically but rather mentally". People looks sensitive to the solidarity Western countries expressed to Japan. We have hope".

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