11 October, 2010

The local wealthy households, on the focus of the medias

Once again, "the wealthies" are on sight in the local medias the day before a national protest against the reform of the pensions system (whom many editors are opposed) will take place in Angers and everywhere. One of these medias tried on october 11th to localize the most well off households of Maine et Loire. But the title "Where do the wealthy live in Maine-et-Loire?" sounds like "How do they look like?" and even "Wanted".

The local population and institutions seem more and more attracted by these christian values like poverty, partition and solidarity (a word seen daily, and in every way imaginable, in press coverages, even if solidarity doesn't make the people as rich as they would like to become). But in the same time, the same newspaper publishes, weekly, and on sunday, when people have time to read, a full page dedicated to actors, singers, top-models, all very wealthy persons...

French people claim the right to be different, in sexual inclinations, religious ideas, cultural origins except in the social area. That makes the ranking of people under the word wealthy towns a little bit discriminatory.

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